Showing posts with label #Earning Money Online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Earning Money Online. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Gold Coast -10 Reasons to Start an Online Business

10 Reasons to Start an Online Business that have nothing to do with Money Time Or Personal Freedom..

Uncover the real reasons behind wanting to work is not Just the MONEY…

I am Peter Wheaton CEO Petton..Lifestyle in Business (best of both worlds)

I sat down after an amazing training with Frank Kerns and started to think about why I started working online and exactly what it meant.  But...I decided to remove the usual hype phrase..Money Time Freedom..What I found was very interesting…

  1. People want to try it alone...somewhere in their head and heart the “I want to do something for myself” line appears and they rally their thoughts and beliefs and start looking for something to create…

  1. I can do it better...let’s face it..we sometimes don’t pick the best bosses or companies to work  with and usually it the the frustration of the system which is the final straw to deciding to leave.

  1. It is the next step...we go to School, University,  Trainee, Manager, Executive and then Self Employed.  You have gained the skills and the next natural step is to work for yourself..

  1. Feeling of being held back...many times the role of any employee is restricted by who is in front of is a double edge too much and your Boss gets noticed and do too less you get noticed.  Giving the credit to someone else for your work just doesn’t cut it..

  1. Feeling one want to be a number or just another one in the company..they want to feel valued and respected.  Although many Bosses don’t recognise this is yet another reason people move on..

  1. Loss Win Circumstances..many businesses set up bonuses and carrot dangling incentives..They play one person against the other to get a result.  What ends up happening is there results don’t move, because too many people stand to lose.

  1. Micro Managers...need we say any more...These over important people, managing every second of your day, to satisfy their needs position and ambition…

  1. Negative Nellies….there is nothing more dampening then a boss who continually tells you why it is going to hard, risky or continually downplays the goal… You look forward to the end of the day and dread turning up the next morning..

  1. Over reactors...emotional ratbags, who over excite and deflate every tiny event or reaction which has happened during the day.

  1. Being Over Looked...people spend many years cultivating their successes and when that promotion appears it is given to someone else outside the the business which knowledge..

There is another 20 reasons I came up with why people start working online, but I want to give you the one I see as the most correct…

Because that is why I started find a reason to be happy again and I found it using this program..and being involved with a Positive groups of entrepreneurs who only see possibilities..

Now that is a good reason to join me here ..

“Life doesn’t have to be filled with what if statements...what’s next is available..”

Monday, 19 October 2015

Gold Coast Business For Sale...Executive Style Income

Gold Coast Business for Sale enquiry here...
Most Opportunities come with s Sales Script.  In that script we would normally want to tell you about why you should buy this business and how it is going to change your life...

The Funny Thing is this business has changed my life and I want to offer you the same opportunity to see what I see everyday...

  • Join a positively power group of people...
  • Making peoples lives more exciting...
  • Changing the meaning of WORK LIFE BALANCE
We are Seeking Qualified Individuals with a desire to earn more to join our business...Your role will be....
  • Writing Ads,
  • calling/ interviewing enquiries (script based),
  • email follow up and refer for further questions…
All these elements you will be trained on weekly, via Live Training Calls, Webinar Style Education and Skype.....

It will suit a person looking to start securing their future while working their full time job...
Gold Coast Business for Sale enquiry here
  • Excellent Salary/Commission,
  • Flexible hours,
  • Positive Attitude.
  • Self Starter
  • Being willing to learn our range of products
“ An Interest in Personal Development Strategies” would be ideal..but not essential...Previous Experience is desirable..…

This is a Self Employed Position….with Long Term Leadership Opportunities and is only made available after 10 minute Interview and a number of qualifying questions....

So if you have the desire to work with a Unique Group of People,
 who see the glass as half full and are looking for Career with a difference...

Register your Interest today and expect a return phone call…

Attention Adelaide House Mums, Wives, Single Mums

Attention Adelaide House Mums, Wives, Single Mums

I want to share with a business designed
  • to create a great part time income
  • be financially self sufficient
  • using the skills you have now
  • working around the kids/husband

No longer will you feel guilty to need to ask for money..
  • You will be offering your kids new experiences
  • You will be pulling well above your weight
  • You will be contributing to the family financially

Let’s be honest here for a second..
  • you put the kids, the husband in first place
  • you put your career on hold
  • sometimes you feel neglected and unappreciated

Here is your opportunity to change all the above
Earn an extra part time income
Be apart of an amazing group of people changing people’s lives

Register here for more Information to attend one of our

Monday, 5 October 2015

Attention Townsville KIWI'S /New Zealand Expats Special Home Business Event....

Attention Townsville KIWI'S /New Zealand Expats....

This is Just for You  Bro........
Make Your First $100K Online.Register HERE..

The Company has Spoken....Kiwi Only Home Business Event....Gold Coast November 14....
  • Townsville Kiwi's, 
  • New Zealand Expats
  • Kiwi's Home and Abroad
The Opportunity to expand your wallets to earn your first $100K Online.....

This event is for New Zealanders, Kiwi's, Kiwi Expat Living in Australia or New Zealand......ONLY...


The Company Owners are out in Australia and have made this Special Event for Kiwi's and New Zealanders...

We want to expand our amazing Home Business Opportunity, Educational Programs and Business Programs.....We are looking for New Zealanders, Kiwi's who have a desire to earn $100K Online....

So Bro....this is YOUR Exclusive EVENT
Go the Wallabies.......
  • While the All Blacks may have won the #RWC
  • The Black Caps oil their cricket bats...
  • The Silver Ferns, practise their goal shooting.....
We want you to be the winner.......

Thursday, 9 July 2015

#Careers, #Tradesman, #Executives, New Exciting Opportunity

Attention #jobHunters, #careers, #tradesman, #executives, #parents
New Exciting Opportunity for Dynamic Eager Professionals to join Us in July...

If you are anyone of the following
  • Tropical Lifestyle 
    Tired of the daily routine
  • Office Politics
  • Ticked off at your Company
  • At a dead end
  • Miss all the milestones from your family
  • Or just want to BE YOUR OWN BOSS

Then end stop for a minute and let me entertain you with this amazing idea…
(hey come on.. I know you’re at work searching on google..stop..)

We are hearing everybody tell you how bad the economy is and that money is in short supply and that the Yanks and the Chinese are bla, bla, bla………….

In reality there is plenty of money, plenty of opportunities and plenty of success happening in my reailty.

Last Cruise June 28- July 4 Barcelona
How a many of your collegues are earning $10k or $25K 0r $75k or $160K per month is this terrible world economy….
How many of your collegueas get to travel the world and earn these big incomes, sail around Spain , Italy and France and get specialised training to achieve even more income….

Let’s face it.. not very many….
(now if you think this is too good to be true...thanks for looking you have made my decision easier not to choose you….happy job hunting)

We are a High Income Business and we are looking for the cream of the Traditional Business Employment.
Our Leaders aren’t pretend Entrepreneurs, they are serious money earners ready to share their secrets with you…..
I think is it a good idea
(before I tell you anymore... would you like to know more now...yes...I did hear a yes...great well
click here now and lets get the ball rolling.

If you are sitting on the fence you know what they say (you will get splinters up your ar……)

Here is something I have learnt after being in this Business after 7 years...Most people don’t believe they can achieve these results…

There a 3 things that stop people from looking
  1. they are scared to change
  2. they are scared what others may think
  3. the are scared to loose their money ( after all it is the internet...scam city...right)

If you think like any of these this business isn’t for thanks for looking…

Many people believe they don’t have the skills or knowledge to earn this money because they aren’t an executive, with education, degrees, selling skills, IT skills and people skills.

Fire of Lydia Coal...
(I proved that pretty wrong because I was none of these….I could hold an audience around a campfire)

Strangely enough every person I select to join with me is better than me when I first started 7 years ago.
  • I am not looking of geniuses
  • I am not looking for the best sales people on the planet
  • I am not looking for the gift of the gab people..

I look for people who
  • have a dream to create something amazing
  • a deep desire to see what it possible for them
  • coachable and Trainable
  • someone to join me on the many  travels we go too.
If you believe you are that person then click here and all aboard….

So you’re still here….

So what can I say to help you make up your mind…..
That’s easy………... nothing

The role of anyone in this business is quite simple…..
  • Look for curiously motivated people who want to earn a Income no less the $100K in the next 6-12 months….
  • Understand what their goals are and whether they are coachable (and beerable)
  • Send them our Information Webinar….

Selling, pushing sales and chasing people isn’t in our job description.
Offering guarrantees and lerks and false hopes isn’t either…
The but wake...there is more ….finishes here.

You either Self Select yourself  or you don’t ( after all you know what is right for you….I don’t)

Let me be Blunt…
  • if you still think this opportunity isn’t real for you...then it isn’t
  • If you think you will loose probably will
  • If $3000 is too much money to earn $100K...then you are right…

Thank You my friend because you have made my life easier...I wish you all the best… haven’t decided yet…

WOW I usually do a great job at getting rid of people…
Ok lets see what I can say…..

  • You are buying (yes buying a global business)
  • You will need money (cash) to run it
  • We have a proven plan for you to follow
  • We train 5 days a week (live and recorded)
  • We have an amazing group of Leaders

Let’s cut to the chase…I am a busy person and you are meant to be even though you are reading this during your work devil..

I am looking for Leaders to join me in this Amazing High Income Business…
It you believe you are one of them then fill your details in here and
Let’s make a miIlion….
( had better remove this page..he is standing behind you)

Call me ….0413 360 890…..

Look where we have been in the last 7 years..........................

Saturday, 4 July 2015

IS FIFO a secure Employment Option...A better Alternative is Here...

Security or Wishfull thinking.....
Is FIFO a Secure Employment Option....
A Better Alternative is Here......

We have all the seen the multi coloured workers, aligned at every airport.....
What happens while they wait to see if Iron Ore goes Up....
We all know that miners make big and spend big....

Here is the question of the day.....

Where do these high paid night owls go to find work which pays the same or more....
  • The public section can't afford these rates....
  • Agriculture lost it's work force to the mines...
  • Small business is struggling at the moment and can't pay these wages....
The more pressing question.....

How kind will the banks be now after they have lent them all the money to buy the vehicles, houses and toys.....

We have an  Alternative...
  • You will earn more
  • Be totally suficient
  • No Night shift
  • No OH&S
  • No reduced wages...

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

14.1 Million UK Workers want Flexible Working Options

A major new study, has found Britain lacks flexible working options 

Circling job in newspaper: UK unemployment falls as number of people in work rises
The Timewise Flexible Job Index has found a jobs 'bottleneck' in the UK Photo: ALAMY

Britain is facing a ‘jobs bottleneck’ due to a lack of flexible working options, says a major new study, which has found that just 6.2 per cent of quality job vacancies in the UK mention flexible working.
It found that 14.1 million workers, equivalent to 46 per cent of people in employment in the UK, want to work flexibly to fit with modern life - but are competing over a ‘handful of vacancies’.
Timewise analysed 3.5 million UK-based quality job vacancies - with salaries of £20,000 per year or more - across 122 national jobs boards, in the period July to December 2014.

Monday, 8 June 2015

How to Start a Home Business....from scratch...

How start a home business..

How to start a home business!
If you are sitting at your desk and checking out google (when your working really...) looking to find out out how to start a home business then (look over shoulder to make sure no elses is watching)  spend 3 minutes with me now.

To start a home business is quite easy, especially if you know what you want.  But if you don’t (and many of us don’t) what do you look for?

  1. If it is passion make sure it pays well (don’t want to go broke loving what you do)
  2. if is is career shift- make sure that you can afford to make the transistion
  3. if it is for money- find proof that people are making money
  4. if it is a business- make sure you are buying a proven operating business
  5. if it is a product- ask to see some social proof and contact the person you are reading about

Here is three things you need to do right now (or maybe after work)
  1. How much does it cost to Start
    a Home Business
    Work out how much it costs you to live?
  2. Work out how much it costs you to run your life Now?
  3. Work out how much it costs you for your social habits (you know, girls, boys, grog etc)

To help you.  I have put together a pdf which you can download for FREE.  (I hear footsteps so I will be quick)

How to start a home business starts with how much you want it for yourself, so make  a list of qualified reasons to support your actions (is he yelling at you?)

Download the form I will see you next time!

( I forgot to say) If you like this infomation share it with someone and the best questions can be asked and answered on my facebook page getintolife, so make a comment and say g’day…..

Good Business Makes Good Cents….