Tuesday, 9 June 2015

14.1 Million UK Workers want Flexible Working Options

A major new study, has found Britain lacks flexible working options 

Circling job in newspaper: UK unemployment falls as number of people in work rises
The Timewise Flexible Job Index has found a jobs 'bottleneck' in the UK Photo: ALAMY

Britain is facing a ‘jobs bottleneck’ due to a lack of flexible working options, says a major new study, which has found that just 6.2 per cent of quality job vacancies in the UK mention flexible working.
It found that 14.1 million workers, equivalent to 46 per cent of people in employment in the UK, want to work flexibly to fit with modern life - but are competing over a ‘handful of vacancies’.
Timewise analysed 3.5 million UK-based quality job vacancies - with salaries of £20,000 per year or more - across 122 national jobs boards, in the period July to December 2014.