Monday, 8 June 2015

How to Start a Home Business....from scratch...

How start a home business..

How to start a home business!
If you are sitting at your desk and checking out google (when your working really...) looking to find out out how to start a home business then (look over shoulder to make sure no elses is watching)  spend 3 minutes with me now.

To start a home business is quite easy, especially if you know what you want.  But if you don’t (and many of us don’t) what do you look for?

  1. If it is passion make sure it pays well (don’t want to go broke loving what you do)
  2. if is is career shift- make sure that you can afford to make the transistion
  3. if it is for money- find proof that people are making money
  4. if it is a business- make sure you are buying a proven operating business
  5. if it is a product- ask to see some social proof and contact the person you are reading about

Here is three things you need to do right now (or maybe after work)
  1. How much does it cost to Start
    a Home Business
    Work out how much it costs you to live?
  2. Work out how much it costs you to run your life Now?
  3. Work out how much it costs you for your social habits (you know, girls, boys, grog etc)

To help you.  I have put together a pdf which you can download for FREE.  (I hear footsteps so I will be quick)

How to start a home business starts with how much you want it for yourself, so make  a list of qualified reasons to support your actions (is he yelling at you?)

Download the form I will see you next time!

( I forgot to say) If you like this infomation share it with someone and the best questions can be asked and answered on my facebook page getintolife, so make a comment and say g’day…..

Good Business Makes Good Cents….

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