Showing posts with label #business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #business. Show all posts

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Gold Coast -10 Reasons to Start an Online Business

10 Reasons to Start an Online Business that have nothing to do with Money Time Or Personal Freedom..

Uncover the real reasons behind wanting to work is not Just the MONEY…

I am Peter Wheaton CEO Petton..Lifestyle in Business (best of both worlds)

I sat down after an amazing training with Frank Kerns and started to think about why I started working online and exactly what it meant.  But...I decided to remove the usual hype phrase..Money Time Freedom..What I found was very interesting…

  1. People want to try it alone...somewhere in their head and heart the “I want to do something for myself” line appears and they rally their thoughts and beliefs and start looking for something to create…

  1. I can do it better...let’s face it..we sometimes don’t pick the best bosses or companies to work  with and usually it the the frustration of the system which is the final straw to deciding to leave.

  1. It is the next step...we go to School, University,  Trainee, Manager, Executive and then Self Employed.  You have gained the skills and the next natural step is to work for yourself..

  1. Feeling of being held back...many times the role of any employee is restricted by who is in front of is a double edge too much and your Boss gets noticed and do too less you get noticed.  Giving the credit to someone else for your work just doesn’t cut it..

  1. Feeling one want to be a number or just another one in the company..they want to feel valued and respected.  Although many Bosses don’t recognise this is yet another reason people move on..

  1. Loss Win Circumstances..many businesses set up bonuses and carrot dangling incentives..They play one person against the other to get a result.  What ends up happening is there results don’t move, because too many people stand to lose.

  1. Micro Managers...need we say any more...These over important people, managing every second of your day, to satisfy their needs position and ambition…

  1. Negative Nellies….there is nothing more dampening then a boss who continually tells you why it is going to hard, risky or continually downplays the goal… You look forward to the end of the day and dread turning up the next morning..

  1. Over reactors...emotional ratbags, who over excite and deflate every tiny event or reaction which has happened during the day.

  1. Being Over Looked...people spend many years cultivating their successes and when that promotion appears it is given to someone else outside the the business which knowledge..

There is another 20 reasons I came up with why people start working online, but I want to give you the one I see as the most correct…

Because that is why I started find a reason to be happy again and I found it using this program..and being involved with a Positive groups of entrepreneurs who only see possibilities..

Now that is a good reason to join me here ..

“Life doesn’t have to be filled with what if statements...what’s next is available..”

Friday, 25 December 2015

How to start 2016 with a Financial Opportunity of a Life Time...

Just imagine if you can find "something"
  • That gives you the greatest sense of achievement
  • Contact with Australia's leading Online Entrepreneurs
  • Unlimited scope to earn
  • Hours which just blend into everyday life
  • Self Improvement only available to the wealthy

 Our Business has removed the Traditional Working Model  to adopt a Lifestyle Friendly Online Working Environment. . ..
 Your every day action is simple
  • Writing Ad Copy for inquiry...which we will show you how to attract the best inquiries
  • Interview them back using a script to qualify
  • Refer them to get  any questions answer...our special Leadership commitment
Anyone can be Successful here..if you have
  • entrepreneurial attitude towards work (or a willingness to learn it)
  • a positive attitude towards applying new ideas and concepts
  • a real desire to become Independent ( or have consider being self-employed)
  • be a person we can chat too and enjoy the many theories and philosophies we work with
Our next travel (CRUISE) is 8 days sail from SouthHampton to Portugal..The Personal Development Cruise of a life time...
I would really enjoy your company...

To Apply
Send a reply via website...

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Michelle Payne First Women to win the Melbourne Cup...It started as a Dream...

THE PRINCE AND THE PRINCESS…Ride to Glory in the 2015 Melbourne Cup

Prince Of Penzance

The Prince and the Princess….It started with a DREAM

We have witness history this year and we have seen one Inspiring  lady live the dream she once had with her friends at the age of 10….(her friends paid out on her big time)

Today she won  the #Melbourne Cup…2015
The Princess rode the Prince to Victory in 2015
The first lady jockey to ever win the Melbourne Cup

This story is like a Bush Ballard

  • Farrier/horse-breaker/trainer in Country Victoria takes on the World with a $50000 horse and wins
  • #Michelle Payne 1 or 10 kids raised by her father and older sister chased down her dream..
  • The #PrinceOfPenzance  defy’s critics and illness to win the Melbourne Cup in 2015

This blog sounds like a News Limited Headline in your local paper..But is has nothing to do with luck, history or racing…..

It is about never giving up and following the dream….

  • Passion
  • Belief
  • Commitment
  • Work/action 
Michelle Payne and Brother Steve
This Jockey #MichellePayne  ..trainer #DarrenWeir are real life examples of what is on the table for all of us…

We need stories like this to show people, that life is an unexplained mystery which reward those who dare to follow their dreams….
  • It is not what you get 
  • It is not who recognises you
  • It is not the fame
It is how you turn up each and everyday and live the dream you dearly desire…
I speak to people everyday, that follow the average dream of life (which may suit them) They trade time for money…
They aren’t following their dream but they are getting by doing what they have to do to survive…
They are stressed, worried, unhealthy and under pressure but would rather work for someone else’s dream…

Today get inspired by the Story of #MichellePayne And #DarrenWeir
  • Borrow some of her excitement
  • Borrow some of his belief
Stories are the great form of reality and successful people use other people’s stories to help themselves keep their dream alive…
Darren Weir & Michelle Payne
I have watched the Melbourne Cup for over 40 Years and their has been some fairy tale stories of #country trainers beating the big guys and jockeys overcoming many obstacles but none of them have delivered a message like this…
Don’t give up and keep following your dream….
In a world filled with conflict and challenges what a great message to install into people….

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Are You a KIWI living in Australia...You NEED to KNOW ABOUT THIS......

On November 14 on the Gold Coast we have a SPECIAL EVENT EXCLUSIVELY for #Kiwi's, #New Zealanders, #xpats....

Do you want to Earning Income like these People....

Ex- Franchise Owner 
International Home Business Owner
Earning over $1 000 000 US 
in the last 18 months alone...

One of our Trainers you will meet...

Ex- Electrician
International Home Business Owner
Earning $100 000 US in 90 Days
Quiet achiever with a tonne of wisdom

The BP (quiet achiever) you will meet...

Ex- Company Owner Peter W
Went looking for a new income source
Found he enjoyed the program so much he bought the business
Sold his businesses .. 5 figure months...part time
To work full time here online...

The Bushy/Rugby Support who saw a brighter future working online

He will be your host for this Exclusive Event KIWI Only Event on November 14 Gold Coast....

Here are some questions today......
  1. Do you want to change your life?
  2. Do you have a passion to work for yourself?
  3. Is your desire to change greater than the circumstances you have now?
  4. Are You Coachable and Trainable?

Monday, 19 October 2015

Gold Coast Business For Sale...Executive Style Income

Gold Coast Business for Sale enquiry here...
Most Opportunities come with s Sales Script.  In that script we would normally want to tell you about why you should buy this business and how it is going to change your life...

The Funny Thing is this business has changed my life and I want to offer you the same opportunity to see what I see everyday...

  • Join a positively power group of people...
  • Making peoples lives more exciting...
  • Changing the meaning of WORK LIFE BALANCE
We are Seeking Qualified Individuals with a desire to earn more to join our business...Your role will be....
  • Writing Ads,
  • calling/ interviewing enquiries (script based),
  • email follow up and refer for further questions…
All these elements you will be trained on weekly, via Live Training Calls, Webinar Style Education and Skype.....

It will suit a person looking to start securing their future while working their full time job...
Gold Coast Business for Sale enquiry here
  • Excellent Salary/Commission,
  • Flexible hours,
  • Positive Attitude.
  • Self Starter
  • Being willing to learn our range of products
“ An Interest in Personal Development Strategies” would be ideal..but not essential...Previous Experience is desirable..…

This is a Self Employed Position….with Long Term Leadership Opportunities and is only made available after 10 minute Interview and a number of qualifying questions....

So if you have the desire to work with a Unique Group of People,
 who see the glass as half full and are looking for Career with a difference...

Register your Interest today and expect a return phone call…

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

#homebiz Live Event Melbourne...How to make your first $100K Online

 #homebiz Live Event Melbourne
Click here to register your interest.....
It is on again the second event for 2015 10th October...Manningham Hotel ......Melbourne

This two hour event is guarranteed 

  • to change your life
  • question how you earn income
  • open up a new line of thought
  • ask many questions about what you do now
  • Potential give you a financial wealth building retirement
Who is it for.....

  • Ceo's
  • Managers, Sales, Marketing Directors
  • Tradesman, Builders, Foreman
  • Small Business Owners, Rural Produces
  • Employees, apprentices, parents...
  • Anyone who want a better life
What is in it for you....
  • A descriptive educated address by the Owners of the Company
  • Testimonials and comments by Company Leaders earning $50-$100K per month
  • Explained Business Proposal
  • Explaination of the Industry we are involved with...
What we want.....
  • Highly Motivated Self Starting people
  • Coachable and Trainable Attitudes
  • A desire to Attain Wealth
  • An Open mind to explore new ideas...
This is an Interview Only we appreciate your time. After 7 years of running this business we know what type of people we are looking for to join our business....

Spend 10 minutes with us today and lets see if you are what we are looking for.....

Fill your details in today and let's see ............................

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Made Redundant... pay me for 30 days and I will leave today.... #tsvbiz

Made Redundant.. pay me for 30 days  and I will leave today..#tsvbiz

Lately you will read many stories like this and there are many people who have found themselves in this position...but there is always a silver lining.....

Poorly handled redundancies damage businesses. 

A hardworking manager is made redundant after years at a firm. He is a victim of endless corporate cost-cutting and restructuring and everybody is sorry for the job loss. But the redundancy is handled so poorly the manager, once an asset, becomes a threat.
The notice period is two months, partly because a handover is needed and the firm wants to give the manager more time to find another job. Within days of the news, he receives fewer meeting invitations and work emails, and is excluded from important discussions.
Some assume paying for a sterile outplacement service absolves them of responsibility. 

The question I am asking Companies and CEO's...
Why don't you pay them for 30 days and let them leave the day you make them redundant...

  • You already have them hating you
  • I know you are draining every once  out of them
  • There work is poor 
  • They don't have to care becaue you fired them 
You have already blown the wind out of their what do you gain.....

When you turn the equation around and the employee tells you, they are resigning we as business owners see how  
  • inconvenient this is right now
  • look what we have done for you
  • we take it personally
  • we have a dislike appear in a second
I used to have a Simple Policy in my Business ( if we put anyone off or they put themselves off they leave after the meeting with 30 days pay....)

Fast forward 7 years...I look for those people made redundant and give them the opportunity to start working for themselves...

Come and join me...