10 Reasons to Start an Online Business that have nothing to do with Money Time Or Personal Freedom..
Uncover the real reasons behind wanting to work online...it is not Just the MONEY…
I sat down after an amazing training with Frank Kerns and started to think about why I started working online and exactly what it meant. But...I decided to remove the usual hype phrase..Money Time Freedom..What I found was very interesting…
- People want to try it alone...somewhere in their head and heart the “I want to do something for myself” line appears and they rally their thoughts and beliefs and start looking for something to create…
- I can do it better...let’s face it..we sometimes don’t pick the best bosses or companies to work with and usually it the the frustration of the system which is the final straw to deciding to leave.
- It is the next step...we go to School, University, Trainee, Manager, Executive and then Self Employed. You have gained the skills and the next natural step is to work for yourself..
- Feeling of being held back...many times the role of any employee is restricted by who is in front of them..it is a double edge sword..do too much and your Boss gets noticed and do too less you get noticed. Giving the credit to someone else for your work just doesn’t cut it..
- Feeling Unappreciated...no one want to be a number or just another one in the company..they want to feel valued and respected. Although many Bosses don’t recognise this is yet another reason people move on..
- Loss Win Circumstances..many businesses set up bonuses and carrot dangling incentives..They play one person against the other to get a result. What ends up happening is there results don’t move, because too many people stand to lose.
- Micro Managers...need we say any more...These over important people, managing every second of your day, to satisfy their needs position and ambition…
- Negative Nellies….there is nothing more dampening then a boss who continually tells you why it is going to hard, risky or continually downplays the goal… You look forward to the end of the day and dread turning up the next morning..
- Over reactors...emotional ratbags, who over excite and deflate every tiny event or reaction which has happened during the day.
- Being Over Looked...people spend many years cultivating their successes and when that promotion appears it is given to someone else outside the the business which knowledge..
There is another 20 reasons I came up with why people start working online, but I want to give you the one I see as the most correct…
Because that is why I started online..to find a reason to be happy again and I found it using this program..and being involved with a Positive groups of entrepreneurs who only see possibilities..
Now that is a good reason to join me here ..
“Life doesn’t have to be filled with what if statements...what’s next is available..”
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