Showing posts with label home business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home business. Show all posts

Monday, 8 June 2015

The Home Business Entrepreneurs..... Home Business Qualification Explained

The Home Business Entrepreneurs.... Business Explained

Distributers wanted do have what it takes.......

Ultimate Lifestyle Business photo Slide1-1.jpg
Click on the picture above to learn more

If you want to look online and search any home business, you are going to find reasons that can't work, they maybe be termed as a SCAM , not realistic, risky and there will be many compelling reasons why these people have written this information down.

  One is to warn everybody else about their bad luck or decisions to buy the home business.
In  fact they are asking you to buy their bad luck you ask other people to buy what you are saying....


  • Our interviewing process is designed to make sure we pick the right people.  We don't look for money....(you need it to join us or around $3000 US).
  • We look for the motivation and the reason behind your decision.  (hating your boss isn't a good reason)
  • The other trait I look for is business partners who have a desire to learn a very unique direct marketing business and that I can work with you as a business partner/mentor.
  • The last trait I look for is the ambition and personal goals.  Many people don't want to tell you what they want to earn because it is personal.                                                                 They may want to put there kids through school, or pay off their house or buy a car.  But when it comes to talking about wanting $100K or $200K income goals, people see it as skiting and unattainable.
Answers about the working from home...learn more today

Is it possible for you to believe that you could earn a 6 or 7 figure income, working part time from home.

If you have answered here and let us arrange a time to speak with you!

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Executive Income Specialists Townsville- Earn while You Learn.

There aren't many jobs or businesses that actually pay you to learn, but at Executive Income Specialists we do?

Ah...I see I have your attention, thank you.

Executive Income Specialists click here for more information

Let me explain a couple of things before we go any further.

  • An Executive Income is a minimum of $100k per need this goal to qualify
  • We are Specialists because we find the right people to join our business
  • We are members of the Home Business Entrepreneurs
  • No one needs to leave their job
  • You select your hours of work
  • You select the income you want to make
  • We have an amazing training system which is live and recorded
  • We are trained by Leaders who are earning the Executive Income Earners, be it monthly.
  • We have a lot of fun running our business
  • In June we are cruising the Mediterranean for one of our events.
As you can see all pretty straight forward right...I thought so, as clear as mud shhhhh.

Ok,  This is what I am Looking for! 
  • We are looking for Leaders who want to earn a big income, working part time from home.
  • We select all our people through and interview
  • We will send information for you to view
  • You make a decision 
You will be viewing an Executive Income Home, Business Opportunity based within the Personal Leadership Direct Sales Industry.

Are You Looking to be a Leader click here
Your role is to promote our Amazing Personal Development Product and the Business Opportunity attached to it.

So if you are looking for 
  • Something a little different,
  • Something Outside the Comfort zone
  • An Empowering group of Entrepreneurs
  • A positive only group of people
We invite you to view our website and fill your details in today

Hang On...... I have forgotten you Potential Earnings  
How does $1800 to $8000 per sale sound...

Fill your details in today I would love to meet with you.

Check where we have gone in the past 6 years
Learn more about me here

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Making Money Online - The Smart Way

Making Money Online- The Smart Way is a rather big statement, because there is so many ways to earn or build an income working online.
Making Money Online is really quite simple call us today to find out how 0413360890

But the big questions are

  1. what works and what doesn't
  2. how much does it cost
  3. how much can I earn

While these questions are at the front of our thoughts, we need to ask this question.

"can what I do, sell, promote or offer to give the community some thing better"

Like any new product on the market, we want to see a clear change or advantage or we want to see profit and reward from our efforts.
Making Money Online is one of those Smart Business Ideas which offers you profit, leadership, confidence and Continued growth.

Imagine just for a moment what it feels like to 
  • help someone loose 25kgs
  • reunite a relationship
  • control a bad habit
  • earn a yearly income in a month
  • connect an estranged family member
  • find your soul mate
  • have a tool box full of solutions you can call on each everyday
But more exciting than that is being paid handsomely to share with people this amazing opportunity.

Making Money Online is certainly a terrific profit business and the group of people we work with are positive and exciting people who are looking to work with you.

Contact Pete today for more information.

How do you change the person at a time.